Thursday, January 14, 2010

Road Trip to Penanjong! and Berakas.......

mmm .The title.sounds a bit like a Tenko moment (for those of us old enough to remember Tenko,wasnt that a depressing series!)

I set out from a dry ish Muara to be greeted by torrential rain about 20 minutes down the road..

The trouble with Brunei , is ..when it raine POURS.
and it seems that when it rains, the locals tend to lose control of their cars...and crash.
So drive in the rain, at your peril!

I arrived at Annas at half 11 am... wow they even have outdoor pools in penenjong!!! Anna assured me that it was the garden NOT a pool!

This is the home of Lovely Anna.. oooh i just loved her home, as the house she had ,has 3 en suites... (we have ONE scrappy bathroom..i so dream of an ensuite!)

anyway... Rain rain and more rain~chat chat chat... and a lovely lunch made by ANNA... MMM was once

on the way home it once again persisted down....... but weirdly as i arrived in muara..

it was like this..over cast but dry as a bone..........

Thursday 14th Jan

SADLY today its rained again all day!  so I went up to Berakas to see my lovely friend Helen and her beautiful daughter Claudia..(hereby known as Clauds)..When i arrived Clauds was in her newly borrowed Baby bouncer...and was loving it...... sqealing with sheer delight...

it was soo good to see clauds in the bouncer... it made me realise just how fast she had the first time i saw her was the day she was born 23rd september, her due date (way to go Helen!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word Anna's house is PINK!! Brilliant :D

    And lovely photos of monkeybrains. She really has changed since her birth-day hasn't she? I never really notice it day to day but looking back 3 1/2 months you can really see the difference :)
